Yes, it's fine for "angry tea partyers" (AKA racist Americans, disenfranchised libertarians, or just the plain easily mislead simple masses) to paint the President of the United States, Speaker of the House (number two in the line of Presidential succession) and Majority Leader of the Senate as the evil Joker from Batman, Cruella DeVille from 101 Dalmatians, and Scooby Doo. But when the RNC, the official embodiment of the minority opposition party (or "Shadow Party" as they so awesomely say in the UK) officially promotes such sophomoric attempts at caricature and claims that moderate Democratic proposals are "socialism" and an "evil empire"- it's like showing their stripes.

Sure, the Republicans claim it was "all in fun" and that it was just to try and persuade some wealthy donors... but really, you know, it goes to character. They co-opted the same misguided and misinformed images and language seen ubiquitously at Tea Bagger rallies, and called them their own. Way to go RNC! And those Republican mouth pieces who keep spouting the lies that "the Tea Party movement is not a conservative movement, it is bi partisan" - how long are you gonna keep up that line of malarkey?
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