Monday, June 27, 2011

Introduction To The Triplet

Since TMBG is probably not a favorite for several of the more rock oriented drummers who I know frequent this blog.... here's a bit of pablum. 

I got my slightly used Ludwig 5 pc drumset in the middle of 5th grade, for my birthday.  My parents bought it for $400, including cymbals, hardware, and cases from a guy who lived a tiny apartment in Hammond who had put an ad in the news paper - easily 1/2 price in mid 70's decade dollars.  (it even had a small wood block, cowbell, and extra felts for the cymbal stands!!).  The Boston song "Foreplay/Long time" was constantly on the radio later that year, and my family (and neighbors) were subjected to my repeatedly practicing this song down in the basement - song on head phones taped on a cassette from the radio, stereo cranked, so only the drums could be heard by anyone within a 100 yard radius.

"Foreplay" is a good introduction to "The Triplet" for a 5th grader.  =)

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