I've noticed, over the last 20 years, I seem to have developed an allergic reaction to US Presidential voices. When Reagan was in office, I was barely politically aware, my parents being life long unionized Democrats, so I didn't pay much attention. When HW Bush was in office, I loved the Dana Carvey impersonations of him, but couldn't listen to his voice without Wincing. When Clinton was in office, I couldn't stand hearing about his Arkansasian accent or his denials of oral sex escapades, especially when my 6 year old son was asking me "Daddy, at school they said the President got a blow job, what's a blow job?" Phil Hartman did a dead on Bill though.
W, I could not stand listening to him try and fake a Texas accent and attempt to be folksy. More than 10 seconds of exposure, and I began to approach anaphylaxis, having to turn off the radio or TV or stop the streaming video, from 2000 (when I used to like McCain) to around 2006 or so. After 2006, I figured out that everything that came out of his mouth was a lie, blunder, delusional, fundy, or based upon bizarro paradigms and listening to him became an exercise in mockery - also, it pre-loaded the material Colbert and Olbermann and Letterman would be using later.
My reaction to Hillary's voice was equally as allergic. Until she withdrew from the primaries, every time I heard her voice, honestly, I had an immediate, visceral, physical reaction, that grew worse until I changed the channel or put the sound on MUTE. I believe my reaction was not an anomaly among Many adult males in the US. Not sexist, just honest. It was my reptilian brain stem reacting, strongly, and all of my intellectual objectivity, I could not suppress it, just as I cannot suppress my allergy to rag weed, mold spores, or pet dander. She's alot smarter and better informed than W, but the allergic reaction was very similar in intensity.
Now, when I hear Obama on the radio or TV or the Internets, I actually try to tune out distractions. I pause and listen. I want to hear what this man is saying. It's a wonderful change. I hope I don't build up a tolerance to his voice in the next 4 or 8 years.
10 years ago
They so rarely say things of substance, that probably contributes to the effect.