Daily Show over the last week has eviscerated, excoriated, decimated CNBC with clips of their own programs. It's been poignant, beautiful, factual.
Awesome CNBC advice
Cramer's insightful pick of Bear Stearns and clownishness
In Cramer We Trust. Cramer In Context.
CNBC / MSNBC gets upset at being mocked on TDS, and completely misses the point, again. Even Dora the Exporer can see that Cramer and Scarbourgh are being pendejos.
Anchor War - LMFAO! "Intercontinental Missive"
Cramer is supposed to be on this evening. Should be uncomfortable.
"He's like a dartboard, that talks!"
"I can throw feces on him..."
"A comedian who waves his arms while playing wacky sound effects"
"Not Cherry Picking, Turd Mining"
Thursday night's blistering, uncomfortable, Cramer-eating-crow, 3 part interview here.
You could tell that Stewart was pissed. Cramer was obsequiously apologetic, to his credit. Joe Scarborough and other Universal "defenders", STFU.
10 years ago
"Hauer your stocks doing" -- now that I would watch!