I looked over his price list, and bought 2 rib eyes, thinking it'd be about $20. After plunking them on the scale, and punching in his calculator, he said "that'll be $33.50". Gulp. Strike 1. $33.50, man, these better be some awesome steaks. Later that week, I prepared the steaks in a very similar manner to how I had prepared my Double Check steaks. I was a little disappointed to find out that a dollar or more of that $33.50 included paying for inedible bone. The bone had been band sawed, so there wasn't even any marrow to enjoy, sadly... but it was not refreshing to see these big ole bones left on the cuts. Strike 2.
I tried to keep a happy face on, and thought about how much better local, humanely raised food is compared to trucked in franken food from the industrial food complex... and Holbrook's webpage and his flyer handouts have pictures of him and his grand children on horseback... so it's good that I give him a break and try his food. "It'll be awesome".
Well, I grilled it up, and it was "OK". It wasn't bad, but I was not WOW'ed as I have been consistently with Double Check.
Notice how there's a gorgeous, thin layer of fat around the periphery of the cut. Double Check's butchers do a superb job. Each piece of meat is like a little work of art!
Upon upper shelf indirect grilling, the roast broke into two pieces, and delicious cut dripped it's juices down into the waiting mushrooms, peppers, and scallions below. The final result was wonderful - and to my pallet, 'as good as or better' than the Holbrook Rib steak mentioned above. It was a lil bit tough to slice with a sharp knife, but as a roast, it was never intended to be grilled. It was very juicy, tasty, and a delicous meal.
Encouraged by this renewed, healthy, protein rich decadence experiment, I defrosted a pack of sirloin steak from Double Check, moving the pack from the freezer to the fridge, and leaving it there for 2 days to thaw (and to conserve energy as the steak endothermically cools the surrounding fridge during peak energy periods) as I always do.
Same preparation - preheat the grill to 400F, indirect grilling on the upper rack (to prevent flared up flame impingement and carburization). 2 minutes over flame, each side, then 3 minutes over the grilled veggies, each side, and viola, a perfectly rare-to-medium-rare grilled steak!
No additional butter or BBQ sauce needed. No salt or pepper required. Just delicious, local, low carb, humanely raised, organically fed, happy cows providing protein to a happy health conscious consumer.
This was too much for me to eat in one dinner, so I cut the succulent sirloin in half, and stored the 2nd half for the next night. The double feature was fantastic. I have 1/2 a dozen cuts left; Flat Iron, New York, Rib Eyes, and a pack of Hot Dogs - yes, organic, grass fed, local hot dogs! Stay tuned for more to come.
i just ate, and this made me hungry again. yum!