While eating leftover homemade Thai food at lunch today (first time I used actual peanuts as a stir fried ingredient, yum!), I noticed my buddy Archie (or his son, Archie Jr), hovering outside the sliding glass door, checking me out to see if I was an aggressive predatory threat. He perched up on the shaded wire hanger I never had the inertia to take down last year, and pugnaciously chased away all other hungry males from the full nectar feeders.
I don't understand why people express a disdain for bird watching, especially if it is passive ("hey, look, there's a cool bird") sort of watching. I can understand having an antipathy perhaps for donning binoculars, field guide, mosquito repellent or sun block and actively hunting for them in a forest or under-brush maybe, if that's not your cup of tea. Ornithophobia has never been my thing.
It's nice to have "someone" to eat lunch with from time to time, when you work at home everyday. =)
10 years ago
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