Jon Stewart and his writers deconstruct (link here) Keith Olbermann's departure, polite & factual Rachel Maddow, angry Chris Matthews, long winded Lawrence O'Donnell, the bombastic Ed Shultz and MSNBC's attempts to fill the "Olbermann shaped hole". Yes, for all those close minded conservatives who incorrectly believe TDS is a mouth piece of the left,open your eyes and ears (again) and witness the irony and poignant hilarity. TDS is an equal opportunity satirical platform. The right (Fox mainly) just usually gives them alot more material.
"To the Olberfarm!"
On a post script, I did try to watch Cenk Uygur, formerly of The Young Turks youtube videos, and now a MSNBC show host... and all he is a Liberal version of Hannity, making snarky comments, self aggrandizing, and often petty, a calmer version of Ed Shultz, or a younger version of O'Donnell, not my preferred "news" delivery mode. I'll stick to DVRing Maddow.
10 years ago
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