Dos Gatos Negro Adicionales - or two additional Black Cats. Last week, DFF and I stopped by Sprouts to pick up some fresh organic produce, and I noticed they had Gato Negro on sale for $3.99 a bottle. The Malbec & Carménère that I'd enjoyed earlier (link here) were down to 2 each on the store shelf, so I picked up a Cabernet Merlot and a Merlot, to try them, rounding out the wine carrying bag to 6 - AND getting an additional 10% off in the process. The helpful cashier reminded me, as I had only picked up the Cab, so I ran back and got another bottle - no one was waiting behind me, so I didn't "clog" the line. Over the course of the week, I polished off both bottles, and I have to say, for $4 a bottle (or actually $3.61 with the discount) they were very good. Floral notes, smooth finish, full flavored, hints of red berries but not overly fruity, very little oak. Nice, drinkable, good table wine.
Keep up the good work Gato Negro! And thank you Sprouts for carrying it.
10 years ago
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