While traveling through Vernal Utah last week, I had the opportunity to sample a bottle of Evolution Ale at the Dinosaur Brew Haus. I'm not a big beer fan anymore, but dayum, this stuff was tasty! A nice dark amber, no bitter beer taste. Smooth, delicious, refreshing.
I was delighted to buy alcohol in a state populated by a majority of tea totaling latter day saints. Wasatch Brewery is to be congratulated on this fine brew. Highly recommended. If we would have had more room in the car, I would have brought home a twelve pack or two.
And their label.... LOL! Hilarious!
Dr Desert Flower really thinks that Utah has a VAST under-ground community of free thinking, fun, non-Morons, who are much more granola than they are Orin Hatch. Utah CERTAINLY has the landscape for hikers, para gliders, gliders, extreme outdoor sporters, kayakers, naturalists, geologists, paleontologists, archeologists.... she may be right. A vast silent, non-voting (or out-numbered) under-ground.
10 years ago
It is ironic that Utah has Dinosaur Natl Monument, home of many fossils pre-dating 6000 years. The heir and I did an afternoon of digging a few years back and found dinosaurs, but no people.