Anwar al-Awlaki (AKA (also spelled Aulaqi; Arabic: أنور العولقي Anwar al-‘Awlaqī; ) will no longer be droning on in his New Mexico raised, Colorado State Engineering school educated, American accent, about killing US citizens (link here). He reaped what he sewed, and his existence has been stamped out. Good riddance.
I was initially disheartened to hear that President Obama had approved putting this spoiled little brat who hated the Americans who educated him, employed his father, and put food on his table. This reversed what President Ford signed into law about targeted assassinations. But sad little Anwar's rhetoric was EXTREMELY effective in recruiting the weak and feeble minded, the confused and the easily swayed fundamentalists who mis-interpreted Islam among us, and the world is much better off for the removal of this inherently evil & pathetic little boy from the herd.
There will always be some disaffected, angry, spiteful, mis-guided demagogue somewhere in the world. And Boeing, Martin Marietta, and other large defense contractors will always be creating drones, satellites, and cell phone surveillance mechanisms to track them down, and obliterate them when these little boys (it's typically NOT women who get these chips on their shoulders) become a threat to Americans.
"Violated his civil rights"? - as Anwar's father petitioned in court. No sir, you failed miserably in raising your son, and he was no longer civil, forfeiting any "rights" he had. Case closed.
10 years ago
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