Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank You Mark Bittman

And before I forget...  thank you Mark Bittman.  The rosemary herb chicken recipe (page 360) worked fantastically with the Double Check Ranch free-range, organic whole chicken and front-yard organic, hand picked rosemary.  Ahhh, the scent of rosemary on your fingers, and drying basil in the house (over-night lows were predicted to be in the 40s, and basil doesn't do well below 5C, so my son and I picked and de-stemmed a bushel-full yesterday). 

That's still one thing blogs and twitter and the internets cannot do - convey scents.  Butter and rosemary, fresh picked basil, lavender in the back yard, wet mesquite and creosote after a desert storm, a blooming gardenia, a lemon tree when it is in full bloom...  Probably, if there was a way to convey smells electronically, the guys from Jackass would figure out how to send fart and sewer smells first - so look for that bow wave in the coming years.

1 comment:

  1. yum.

    Since you have a lot of basil, I suggest making a pesto and then grilling / baking chicken strips in the pesto. A nice quick meal that is very yummy.


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