Some of them were thirstily drinking from the succulent aloe veras and ocotillos. Others were flying dive-bombing (drinking) sorties over the pool. Still others were refueling (copulating) in remarkable con-joined flights, elegantly, effortlessly as couples zoomed over head at 15 to 20mph horizontal velocities, abdomens locked together, coitus in-flight. Along with the
At night, the massive crickets come out, and the wolf spiders that hunt them as well. I've surgically eradicated the black widows after one of their brethren bit me and sent me to the hospital for a leg ultrasound - I'm not going to risk my health again. I've not seen the scorpions that also prey upon the giant crickets, but being quite urban and many blocks from the nearest open field, I doubt I'll see any / many.
wow. all we have now is dead grass...and the odd ball squirrel running amok with the pumpkins. (which is quite funny)