Die Hard Right Winger may not care about the world opinion, or the "quaint" Geneva Convention, or much else that doesn't support their Jack Bauer-esque agenda in fighting terror ('take one life to save thousands'), but like most regimes who do nasty things to people secretly, W's administration has left a convenient paper trail. Memos, authorizing the use of torture... they'll love those in The Hague. Didn't they learn any of the lessons from the Bosian/Serbian conflict? Cambodia? the Japanese during WWII?
Scott Horton writes this piece in Harpers this week.
10 years ago
If you wanted to read a lil more on this... the Washing Post has more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/14/AR2008101403331_pf.html