Last Friday, Bill Maher slammed quick creationist and simple minded anti-science Republicans who don't believe in Evolution, as he elaborated on how viruses (like the Swine Flue H1N1-A) EVOLVE to infect new hosts. If you don't believe in Evolution (Texas) then don't ask for, or take, any Tamilflu! Pray it away! Tamiflu - that's for us sinners! LOL!!
Today, while eating my Greek salad for dinner, I watched as Chris Matthews repeatedly hammered "Baghdad is like an Indiana Market in the Spring time" (R) Congressman Mike Pence on his own, and his party's views on Science, Global Warming, Stem Cells, Evolution, Creation... it was relentless and hilarious!
I still do NOT understand why ANY scientist worth His or Her degree, would EVER embrace the Republican party, no matter how terrible their up-bring might have been, or how engrained their opposition to social entitlement programs might be, or how much they love to pretend to drink tea publically... ESPECIALLY when they (and most of their friends) got some Federal and State funding at university when they got their science degrees.
Some things I just will never understand.
10 years ago
Now let's be fair. The Republican party isn't supposed to be only for the fundamentalist zealots. That was supposed to be a minority of the party embraced in speech only by the pro-business factions in order to try to win elections. There are plenty of rational people who are not anti-science who are Republicans because they believe in conservative fiscal policies, limited government, small government (and not in the lip-service way of HUGE government Republicans such as reagan and bush 2, but more like William F. Buckley Jr. Republicans), and yet are social libertarians. Being a Republican should not be synonymous with being a creationist or anti-abortionist or palinist. Clearly there are intelligent scientists who vote republican.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it SHOULD NOT be associated with being a fundy zealot, BUT WHY don't the more moderate majority of the Republicans counter balance their fundy quick creationist zealots? Why are the Joe-the-Dumber, and Palins, and most of the national Republican candidates and mouth pieces so dead set on preaching and towing the hard party line of "the earth is 6000 years old", "climate change is not now and never will be caused or influenced by man", "homosexuality is wrong and evil and an abomination but I am all for straight individual rights", "every life begins at conception and anything that happens after that to end the development of that life is blatant murder"? Why are the moderate Republicans so reticent, so fearful of their extremist brethren? The silence of the moderate and libertarian leaning republicans pisses me off. Their are fearful, namby pamby, spineless invertebrates. To prove me wrong, those Republicans who read this blog and who are scientists, or who are married to scientists, or who are friends of scientists, should be firmly, solidly, denouncing their extremist, simplistic, creationist brethren, in every venue, in all sorts of media... but they aren't.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a taunt, or a slur, it's a fact. Moderate republicans let their extremist brethren dictate their party's agenda out of fear. It's very sad, and it’s infuriating.
There are some intelligent scientists who do vote Republican today, but that number is shrinking, as the RNC embraces a deeper dive into extremism.
Yeah, I have no idea. Seems to be a losing strategy! Why the "party of ideas" isn't re-seized by that segment of republicans who have functioning brains is a deep and abiding mystery to both you and me. Why are guys like Dick Lugar pretty much invisible? I do miss Bill Buckley.
ReplyDeleteTime has an article out about the current state of the GOP. It is not pretty picture... for them. For me it warms my heart.
ReplyDeleteThis is more appropriate symbol for the GOP now.
I like how each animal is shitting out the head of the other. =)
ReplyDeleteSee, the GOP is reduced to this - attacking Obama for ordering "spicy" or "Dijon mustard" on his cheeseburger. What pathetic douchebags.
ReplyDeleteI mean... mustard has 0 carbs, whereas ketchup is quite sugar-filled. ;)
I have absolutely no problem with "rational people who are not anti-science who are Republicans because they believe in conservative fiscal policies, limited government, small government (and not in the lip-service way of HUGE government Republicans such as reagan and bush 2, but more like William F. Buckley Jr. Republicans), and yet are social libertarians". I could be one of those, or at least I could have a serious conversation/debate with them, learn something, and enjoy it. I call these people "Eisenhower Republicans". But the current perverse version of the GOP is racist, reactionary, jingoistic, willfully ignorant, and turning into a regional party. It is getting worse all the time too. They are nothing like the party of Lincoln or Eisenhower. It is a shame and shame on them.
ReplyDeletethe mustard criticism is emblematic of DESPERATION and STUPIDITY. When you have nothing more substantive to worry about or criticize, focus on the condiments.
ReplyDeleteWe can't allow our children to be taught about condiments in school! If kids feel comfortable with condiments, this will lead to them playing with their pickles or putting foreign objects in between their buns. Abstinence is the best policy when thinking about what to do with your meat.
ReplyDeleteyou can't have any pudding, if you don't beat your meat! LOL!