as a family, we went to The Grand Canyon, (where we did not have to take the helicopter out... but man... I REALLY felt the 2x multiplier on my age vs my son's age!) last week.
Then, we saw several of Arizona's 400+ volcanoes (Sunset Crater, pictured left and San Francisco Peaks to the right - used to be a 25K ft high mega volcano 100K years ago):
Then it was off to Bryce Canyon (in the LDS filled state of Utah)

...and yes, Bryce Canyon IS beautiful... but it was not the last canyon we saw on the trip. On the way back, shortly after crossing back into AZ from UT, we crossed the Glen Canyon Dam

It was an enjoyable 5 day trip. Americans don't take enough vacation in general, and this one was planned back when Christopher was in 4th grade when we lived in Indiana, so it only took 11 years to come to fruition. We'll do Yellowstone next time, before it's super volcano erupts and wipes out the northern Mountain Time Zone and most of the Midwest. Lots of drivin...
Everywhere we went, we ran into Europeans. On the GC rim, down in the GC, at Bryce Canyon... Brits, Germans, French, Belg (we spoke to them in French), Portuguese, Spanish, Scots, Dutch, Danes... and a few Asians (Japanese and Chinese) here and there. Anytime you walked more than a few foot ball field lengths away from a parking lot or bus stop, it was hard to find an American. Wherever there was a snack stand, or cafe, the GC was crawling with vast numbers or lumbering, sedentary Americans. Same thing held true at Bryce.
If you wanna see more pictures, let me know in email, and I'll loadem up onto flicker or picassa somewheres.
Pretty sweet! Neat area we live in, isn't it?