When I travel, I often watch / listen to MSNBC's "Morning Joe" as I do yoga, check email, get dressed in the morning. I've always liked Mika Brzezinski, as the smart, driven, lovely, organized foundation of a show that without her would be a bunch of sophomoric snorting and yelling fest. She keeps the boys in line and the show on message. This morning, "Morning Joe" focused on women in America, and how women are under-valued, the conversation being driven by Mika.
What really impressed me, was when Scarborough said "why was I making 14 ttimes what Mika was?" and Mika then added "He convinced NBC's management to send his ratings bonuses to me". Wow. That was remarkable. I do not agree with Scarborough's political ideology, but I have a new found respect for this man who is smart enough to realize how VERY VALUABLE his co-host is, and how he would be completely screwed without her.
More male leaders, managers, persons in power, need to adopt such a positive perspective, and truly value the women they work with, who work for them, who put up with their merde, who make them look good, who drive things forward, who significantly contribute. Nicely done Joe S. I'll view your show less skeptically now, going forward, as I realize you're not as dumb as I thought you were. I've always had faith in Mika =)
10 years ago
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