If you haven't voted yet, you need to take some time off work tomorrow and go vote. I don't care if you're a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Green Party (in the US = throw away your vote) or other affiliation. Go vote. Participate in your democracy. It's disgusting that dictatorships like Iraq and Venezuela have 80, 90, or 99% voter turn out when the United States has barely 50 or 60% participation on a good year. The USA is supposed to be the birth place of western Democracy. Act like it, citizens!
If you're a hard-core Drumpf supporter who still likes him, despite his narcissism, infidelity, multiple bankruptcies, serial lying, corruption, bombastic irrational flailing, bigotry, narrow minded stupidity, inexperience, fealty to Putin, dictator worship, then you could vote, but it doesn't really matter because you're less than 40% of the electorate and you're not a supporter of the US Constitution which Drumpf viscerally hates and disregards. Go polish your guns, yell at your hired help, mistreat your pets, children and wait staff, and try to ignore the saliva and pubes they've put in your food. Why do I say Drumpf hates and disregards the Constitution? 1st amendment. He calls all journalists (except for Faux News) the "Enemy of the People". Those are dictator words. Fighting' words. Those are words of a very small, very paranoid little man. If you can't shin while being scrutinized, you're not Presidential material.
Doctor Desert Flower and I will likely go to a "Flip the 49th" election night party tomorrow night after she gets home from her grueling job. If Mike Levin wins, awesome. If Mike Levin loses, then at least we'll have made the acquaintance of other progressive humans who live in Northern San Diego County who have consciences and who don't think "all the brown people" are coming to take what we have. And, as a weapons proficient NRA rated sharpshooter, I'll be happy to help protect the gathering of rather defenseless progressives and liberals from any nefarious bombers, shooters, or other mayhem wielding scared middle aged white folks.
Zobaczymy... we shall see.
10 years ago
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