We first saw a swarm of dolphins. This were probably about 1000 individual common dolphins, but our son had never seen more than 1/2 a dozen together on the East Coast, so it was a treat.
When they submerge, they leave a signature "flat spot" on the surface, large enough to park a Winnebago on.
So we moved over to a 2nd blue whale who was cruising along the surface. Again, very impressive. Awe inspiring. We had seen gray whales before, but these blue whales dwarfed their gray cousins. Our boat was a 65 footer... about 2/3rds the size of a full grown blue whale adult.
After we saw these impressive creatures and we were heading back to Dana Point Harbor, our captain announced that we were all part of "the 1% now", since less than 1% of all humans have ever seen a living Blue Whale. And we got to see 2 separate individuals, about a 1/2 mile apart, 7 miles SW of Dana Point. = )
I'd read that the gigantic warm-water "blob" in the pacific is the reason more whales are eating in a narrower corridor near the shore now where the water is still cooler and has more nutritious krill.