Dr Desert Flower and I spent last Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum on the farrrrrr east side of Phoenix near Superior AZ (links here and here). 75 degree weather, 10% RH, very light 5 mph intermittent gentle breezes. It's a 2 hour drive out to Superior from the West side of Phoenix, but it was worth the trip.
Boyce Thompson has a wide variety of native and imported plants, and many trails throughout the grounds, similar to the Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden that I've mentioned here previously. But unlike the DBG, Boyce Thompson has elevated mountain-side trails, a dynamic riparian area, and a much more varied landscape than the DBG. Paths are wide enough to get around those who are semi-ambulatory. It was a lovely hike, and quite an interesting visit. It's sort of DBG-lite, but a different flavor and much more diverse venue.
If you live on the east side of Phoenix, you should drive the hour trip down US60 to this oasis and soak in the beauty.
10 years ago
I stopped in at the BTA a few years ago after a hike out to Weaver's Needle. We were pleasantly pleased, normally our Xmas trip has minimal flora involved but this was the year it started raining and did not stop for several weeks. Desert flowers (not just yours) have interesting response to rain, I like the colors that appear and provide nice contrast to the tans, browns, and reds.