On Tuesday night, November 8th, I was very disappointed by the preliminary national election results coming in that I went to bed hopeful. Hopeful that I'd wake up to a new brighter November 9th, along with my other fact-based fellow US citizens.
Instead, I woke up to the realization that the White Walkers (aka the Walking Ignorant) have chosen not only the most unqualified candidate for POTUS in the history of our democracy, but also a majority (54 of 100) Republican senators who
- will approve SCOTUS nominations be more like Thomas and Scalia
- deny climate change exists
- believe that women should make 76 cents on the dollar that a man makes
- like pre-existing conditions and denied health care, when they'll finally repeal the Affordable Care Act
- want the United States to look more like the failed state of Kansas than the flourishing Republic of California
- want their wives and daughters to be 9s or 10s and that it's fine to "grab them by the pussy" when they have celebrity status
- who do not care about actual facts. Facts, verified and authenticated, not Brietbarted, not trumped up, not delusional and paranoid fabrications.
The Down Jones has plummeted 750 points in less than a day as I write this last posting. There's no sense or use in worrying or hand wringing. All I, my family, and my friends who live in a fact based world can do now is endure the next 2 years, and then the next 2 after that.
I'll be advocating that the Republic of California build a wall on our Eastern Border, to stop the influx of non-fact based immigrants who embraced Breitbart and Infowars over Politifact and Snopes (and The Guardian, and The Economist, and every reputable media outlet and fact checking source on the planet).
And since history has proven that fascist regimens and the masses who support them are unkind to journalists, intellectuals, and others who live in a fact based world, this will be my last JustJoeP posting of the year. Perhaps the last one ever, as there's really no sense to shouting into a hurricane's wind anymore. The vast majority reject the facts I present, and it just makes my voice hoarse over time. Mike Judge's prescient film Idiocracy and Scott Adams' predictions almost a year ago were more accurate than any logical, fact-based citizen of the world were willing to believe. Heck, even Michael Moore - who is often incredible hyperbolic - was accurate in his Trumpland predictions.
The White Walkers have won for a generation. Winter's not coming... Winter is here, already. It arrived November 9th, 2016. America, you had a pretty good run... 240 years. Now, it's the Chinese's turn I guess. Commenting further here will only damage my and my family's best interests, so with a heavy heart, I say good bye to blogging and social media. My real friends, those who live in a fact based world, still know how to reach me.
10 years ago