As someone who really enjoys well presented facts (my weather bookmarks look at Actual graphed weather data from NOAA, par example) I appreciated both Biden's and Obama's speeches this week at the DNC. They were not fluff, they were factual, pointed, and poignant. Repugnicans will dismiss them as misguided and inaccurate next week at their convention (as AZ state Repugnicans have already begun to do on NPR that I leave playing in the background in my office), but the haphazard and snide RNC (time since Biden's last gaffe clock? really?) has no fact-based debunking site like the Obama campaign has.
I've heard criticisms of Biden's speech as 'not one of his best' but it inspired me. Granted, I was on my 2nd large glass of Trader Joe's (Caves de Josef) Bordeaux Superior (at $5 a bottle, it's fantastic!) at the time... but it was still a good speech nevertheless.
The criticisms I've heard and read of Obama's speech were non-specific, congratulating Obama on making a good speech. It'll be interesting to see what the former 'Maverick' comes up with next week to try and rebut.
10 years ago